OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


Advice Line

0800 6696 824


Posted: November 29, 2013

Give an unusual and fun Christmas present that lasts a whole year!

2014 is not far away and yet again Helen Hardwick and her wonderful group of friends have got together and produced a fun and saucy OUCH Calendar – this year pictures are all on the theme of  sport!   You'll never watch boxing or darts in quite the same light again!  Helen's father is a CH sufferer and the calendar is Helen's way of raising funds as a thank you for what OUCH has done to help her father. Helen and her friends raise money to cover the production costs so that the entire profit comes to OUCH.   Its a really unusual way of saying thank you and a brilliant answer to the annual conundrum of what to give someone as a Christmas present....

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Posted: November 12, 2013

Welcome to our new website! Due to a security breach on our old site we had to make the new site live a bit sooner than anticipated and therefore some parts are not fully-functioning yet.

The forum and online payments are not working but we are busy working hard behind the scenes updating our membership database and as soon as that is complete we will be contacting you with details on how to activate your account so please don't try and log in yet as your details won't be recognised.

In the meantime please bear with us while we get your new website ready and if you have any questions please do get in touch.

Posted: March 9, 2012

Ouch are looking to branch out and start selling mugs - here is a taster of what's to come

Let us know what you think

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Registered Charity No. 1091919 | Registered in England Company No. 04339368