OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


Advice Line

0800 6696 824

Other Ways to Support Us

We now have some more great opportunities for you to support OUCH(UK). Read on for info about One Lottery, Give as you Live, Text Giving and Create your own Fundraising page

Play our Lottery

Play our lottery

Play for a chance to win cash prizes and OUCH (UK) receives 50% of every ticket sold from our page!

  • Tickets only cost £1 per week
  • Support us and you could win prizes of up to £25,000!

Buy tickets through the OUCH (UK) page to help our cause.

Being part of One Lottery means that with your support we can generate regular sustainable funding. Buying a ticket through One Lottery is one way you can help us to continue to grow and provide our services. So whether you buy 1 ticket or 10 tickets, thank you!

Good luck!

Supporters must be 16 years of age or over.

Buy your tickets now!


Give as you Live

Give as you Live

Raise money for OUCH (UK) with your everyday online shopping. Simply sign up, browse over 4,500 stores via the website or app and shop as normal. We then receive a donation for each purchase you make and it doesn't cost you anything other than the usual purchase price and shipping. 

Many high street brands such as M&S, John Lewis, Boots, Sainsbury's, Asos, Argos, Trainline and many more are there to shop from, so don't delay - sign up now

Sign up to Give as you Live now!


Text Giving via Donate *

Text Giving via Donate

This is super easy -  here's how to do it:

To donate £1, text OUCH to 70201
To donate £3, text OUCH to 70331
To donate £5, text OUCH to 70970
To donate £10, text OUCH to 70191

* Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating as DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates). For Terms & Conditions, see easydonate.org


Create Your Own Fundraising Page

We are pleased to announce that fundraisers can now create their own fundraising page and collect sponsorship donations on our website. With Virgin Money Giving closing down at the end of November 2021, we needed a way to facilitate our wonderful supporters in their fundraising events. Head over to our new section to learn more and set up your own page!

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© OUCH(uk) 2025 | email: info@ouchuk.org
Registered Charity No. 1091919 | Registered in England Company No. 04339368