OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


Advice Line

0800 6696 824

In the Workplace

posted: 23/08/2012 - last updated: 21/10/2022

Your right to equal and fair treatment

In your workplace you have protection because of having cluster headaches and disability. All workplaces should have a disability policy and how to go about ensuring protection.

In the workplace, your employer may request to write to your GP or consultant to find out about your condition or look to see what support they can provide. They could also look to send you to Occupational Health which is a specialist field about finding out how your condition affects you and in the workplace.

With regards to Occupational Health, it is a speciality that considers very specifically the effects of work on health. It also considers an individual's health, ability and fitness to perform a particular job. Its purpose is to protect each employee to ensure that the proposed work does not in any way damage or compromise their health.

For up to date information on your employment/disability rights, please contact: www.thebraincharity.org.uk

Information contained in this document was relevant at December 2019 and may change at any time. Please do not use it as a substitute for high quality legal advice as we cannot vouch for the complete accuracy of the following information and it is intended as a guide only. The information is also edited for relevance to CH sufferers so must not be taken as complete.

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