Warwick Study of Mental Defeat in Chronic Pain PHASE 2
Warwick Study of Mental Defeat in Chronic Pain PHASE 2
More volunteers are invited to participate in the Warwick Study of Mental Defeat in Chronic Pain, based at the University of Warwick. The study is funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) and is investigating how mental defeat can influence pain sensation, sleep patterns, social activity, physical activity and general health and wellbeing in individuals who have chronic pain. The researchers are currently looking for volunteers with chronic pain (UK-only) aged 18-65, who would be willing to travel to the University of Warwick Campus (based in Coventry) to take part. To find out more, please click the button below.
Anne (Trustee)
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Ive joined this study, not heard back yet if I've been selected, would be nice to join though
Warwick Study of Mental Defeat in Chronic Pain (WITHIN Project) PHASE 2.
The Within team are now in the last few months of recruitment for their lab-based study to understand the roles that mental defeat and mental victory have in underpinning different experiences of chronic pain:
OUCH (UK) Trustee
I attended Warwick University yesterday to take part in this study. It was a pretty straight forward 2 1/2 hours. I was told that they are still short of people volunteering to take part in the research. They need 40 more for the study to be accurately modelled. They said that they are very short of male participants as well. So ensuring a good representation is one of their targets.
I don't want to share the detail of what we went through in case I accidentally spoil it :), but there was nothing too arduous.
If you can - please give it a go.
CH sufferer for 30 years