OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


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0800 6696 824

Warwick Study of Mental Defeat in Chronic Pain (WITHIN Project) PHASE 2

As part of this ongoing study, the next phase (our lab-based study) has now opened for recruitment.  We are currently looking for volunteers  (UK-only) aged 18-65  with chronic pain  conditions who would be willing to travel to the University of Warwick Campus (based in Coventry) to take part.

This lab-based study aims to understand the roles that mental defeat and mental victory have in underpinning different experiences of chronic pain.  If you agree to take part, you will be invited to attend a test session with one of the researchers at the University of Warwick Sleep and Pain Laboratory located at the main Central Campus (Coventry). 

The test session typically takes no longer than 2.5 hours. As a thank you for your time, at the end of the lab-based study you will receive a £20 Amazon voucher as a reimbursement of your time and travel expenses! 

More details can be found in the  Participant Information Leaflet.  

If you would like to take part in our lab-based study, please complete the short screening questionnaire so that we can make sure that you are eligible. 

If you require any further information about the study, please do not hesitate to email us at withinstudy@warwick.ac.uk.  To find out more, please click the button below.



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