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Taming the beast

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#1 Fri, 14/03/2014 - 21:29
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 15:05

Taming the beast

When, I'm in an episode, I've discovered 'I think' that if the pains come at regular intervals even if they're multiple attacks, I can kinda manage it! Maybe (?) because I'm prepared for them. But if they come at random times, it is then that I kinda lose control of it! Does this make sense to other people?

last year when I had an 18 month episode.... There were times in that period where I might have 5 or 6 attacks in a single night, but I got used to managing that (this was prior to have injections and oxygen) so I'd be exhausted in the morning and find it difficult to work and sometimes have the after aches, but I did work and I did manage... But when I went away on holiday and time difference meant they got out of kilt.... I was just having them night and day!! And even when I came home I'd kinda lost control of them.

during this episode (3 weeks in) I've managed night time attacks and had fewer (thanx to Oxgen and injections) but last Friday I had A drink and the weekend was just crazy with attacks night and day. Then, I got back in control during the week.... But for some reason this morning I had an attack.... And have had several more during the day today, feels like I lost control of them again somehow?

it feels to me.... That it's a matter of training them! It feels like if I get one 'unprepared for' one past me.... then I will have others follow it, until I can back in control..... Does this make sense to other people?

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