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Spring is in the air and so is CH

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#1 Sun, 08/03/2015 - 12:59
SueB's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 15:05

Spring is in the air and so is CH

I find that this time of year as we head towards spring, my CH starts to emerge from hibernation...   I have been plagued since Thursday and always seems to happen around this time of year... 

Maybe the light is different? maybe it is a change in temperature or perhaps the fact that it 'simply happens this way' .  Want it back in the box pretty quick please! 


Sun, 08/03/2015 - 14:08
Last seen: 3 years 3 days ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:55

Yes SUE it seems to be hitting us all hard,

clock changing time again?!!  Spring time ? Who knows , just rearing its ugly head..... Grrr

pain free time for all soon.


Mon, 09/03/2015 - 18:01 (Reply to #2)
SueB's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 15:05

Thanks for response Elma Smile YES definately clock changing time!



Sun, 15/03/2015 - 23:48
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:35

I am just waiting now for my March/April attacks to start.

I have an appointment with Dr Brendan Davies at Stoke Hospital this week and in a funny way hoping that the usual attack starts.

Mon, 16/03/2015 - 09:59 (Reply to #4)
Last seen: 3 years 3 days ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:55

YES it certainly is a strange old condition we have,i never knew when it was going to strike, I just checked my diary and true to form my 12 weeks pain and sane weeks were over, just had prepare myself for another 12 weeks off hell,,,,,

we are all different in many ways, length off bouts etc but it is for sure not easy , but grin and bare , hopefully a magic pill one day, I wish.


Mon, 16/03/2015 - 10:05
Last seen: 3 days 19 hours ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:16

Richard, Dr Davies is well up on CH, so you have a good neuro there.  And even though I am chronic, I always get a worsening of attacks, in number and strength at this time of year and in October.


Tue, 17/03/2015 - 22:52
DavidH 7
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 15:13

I experience Cluster Headaches every other year about now.  It should be a year without full-on pain but I am getting a light CH-style pain (that is, in the same place, same side of face etc).  I suspect if I looked back through my posts from two years ago, something similar was happening.  They are curious things, Cluster Headaches. 

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