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New research 850: Prophylactic effect of neurostimulation?

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#1 Wed, 19/03/2014 - 15:36
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New research 850: Prophylactic effect of neurostimulation?

Cephalalgia. 2014 Mar 10. [Epub ahead of print]


Nociception specific supraorbital nerve stimulation may prevent cluster headache attacks: Serendipity in a blink reflex study.

Haane DY1, Koehler PJ.


Author information 1Department of Neurology, Atrium Medical Centre, The Netherlands.




BACKGROUND: In cluster headache, neuromodulation is offered when patients are refractory to pharmacological prophylaxis. Non-invasive peripheral neuromodulatory approaches are of interest. We will focus on these and particularly on nociception specific, transcutaneous supraorbital nerve stimulation.


METHODS: In a study using the nociception specific blink reflex, we made a serendipitous discovery, notably the potential prophylactic effect of bilateral, time contingent, nociception specific, transcutaneous stimulation of the supraorbital nerve.


RESULTS: We report on a case series of seven cluster headache patients, in whom attacks seemed to disappear during repeated stimulation of the supraorbital nerves. Three patients stopped experiencing attacks since study participation.


CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral, time contingent, nociception specific, transcutaneous supraorbital nerve stimulation may have a prophylactic effect in episodic and chronic cluster headache. Given its limited side effects and its non-invasive nature, further studies to investigate this potential peripheral neuromodulatory approach for both episodic and chronic cluster headache are warranted.



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