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meeting other ch suffers

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#1 Fri, 20/03/2015 - 22:06
darren h
darren h's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 20/03/2015 - 11:43

meeting other ch suffers

hi all, ive had cch for 6+years found out about ouch few weeks ago. then got the interweb, so struggling with this tecno stuff. also dislexea, iknow thats not how yuo spell it but wot a word for sumone that cant spell. thats how my life has been, never in the write box. i see now im out of work ch is much the same, now im not educated in any way but life it self. got told today dla dont reconise ch as  a disability. wtf! (sorry ask a teenager) an a few atempts at trying to contact ouch. credit to val who 1st emailed me, big credit to andy in mull today longfone call well 3, ivebin in a bt of a state or a while an in all thies years just to know the person your pouring your hart, frustations,and the rest. knows, realy knows how you feel through experince not a b book. then gave me nothing but good advise an support, seen doc wasent happy about m having inections but gave me six, pharmacy sead reddy tuseday, ok ive still got sprays, takes over  week to get an appoiment at my docs. ho hum wrong box. well im apart of thech club, the point im tyring to make is ive so wanted to talk o another ch suffer for sumtime. i think that human contact s vital when we get as low as we do. kind of real proof wer not alone. old fashond i suppose. so i live in farnborouh hampshire, would any ch out there like to meet? bring a bottle(o2) i good at listerning and rambing sorry, six foot scruffy biker. sorry to go on im a yorkshireman 1st post an just found out im ot the only 1. let me know wot you think while i throw sumore rocks at th 21century dh

Fri, 20/03/2015 - 22:57
Andymac's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 27/02/2014 - 12:17

Hi Darren,great to see you are now on board.

The DLA thing is being looked into so someone will let you know the outcome once we find out.

I am pleased to hear your Gp has at least given you the injections to try,and if they do work then that gives you more ammunition to throw at them once you need more.

Did you ask about a referral to the neuro we spoke about?

I have put a post on our facebook page to see if there are any sufferers in your area so I will let you know if I hear anything back.

Please look after yourself and you know where I am if you need anything.

Painfree wishes to you.


Sat, 21/03/2015 - 00:46
darren h
darren h's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 20/03/2015 - 11:43

hi thanks for that, hopefuly i can give the help back, i dont have faceacke, or twatter, but i have good sense of humor as i sed to scott ask me about poodles when we meet, you see. scotts bin great help as well, i hope to call in sum time lookd at the map yuor not that far, take care have fun dh

Sat, 21/03/2015 - 01:23
darren h
darren h's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 20/03/2015 - 11:43

hi again, for got to say nurolagy kind of i told doc i wanted to go southamption nuro took 20min to persuade him tho and ive got to ring them?i let you know how that pans out next week i mailed harretjt about pip she seams to know, good name for a gathering of ch frends "bring a bottle party" at least we can drive home! dh8)  ha look at that my 1st smily! i be cuttin an pastery next. dh

Sat, 21/03/2015 - 15:22
Andymac's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 27/02/2014 - 12:17

Hi Darren,there is a guy on facebook who lives in Farnborough who is going to give you a call to arrange a meet up sometime for a chat.

His name is Richard Hooper.



Sat, 21/03/2015 - 20:20 (Reply to #5)
Last seen: 3 years 3 days ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:55

Hi Darren ,

just how cool is that..

the ouch team have done you so good, so proud off them.

good time with your new meeting ..ENJOY

good luck and all the best.


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