OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


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#1 Thu, 20/03/2025 - 20:59
Dorothy's picture
Last seen: 1 day 7 hours ago
Joined: 19/02/2014 - 10:16


Many thanks to Mike for sharing his CH story with us for Awareness Day. You can watch it here on YouTube: https://youtu.be/pmufebnwKOE?feature=shared


OUCH (UK) Trustee

Fri, 21/03/2025 - 14:22
Dorothy's picture
Last seen: 1 day 7 hours ago
Joined: 19/02/2014 - 10:16

and from Filipe Caires...

On Cluster Headache Awareness Day, I want to share some words that most will identify with. 

Living with cluster headaches is an experience that defies simple explanation. It’s a profound journey marked by moments of despair, fear, and isolation, intertwined with a flicker of hope for relief. Each episode strikes like a bolt of lightning, sudden and unforgiving. The pain is so intense that it feels almost surreal, a monstrous reminder of how fragile our well-being can be.

In the midst of a cluster headache, time seems to stretch, each minute expanding into an eternity of suffering. The intensity can leave you gasping for breath, desperately seeking solace in the darkest corners of your mind. Friends and loved ones may wish to understand, but words often fall short. It’s a battle fought in silence, where the weight of the struggle is both a personal burden and a shared sorrow with those who can truly relate.

During the remission periods, there's a palpable sense of relief, a fleeting taste of normalcy. Yet, the shadow of anxiety looms, as the fear of the next attack lingers just beneath the surface. It’s a delicate balance wanting to embrace life fully while grappling with the unpredictability of this condition.

But even in the depths of this struggle, there are lessons to be learned. Resilience blossoms in the face of adversity, and empathy expands for those who suffer, regardless of the nature of their pain. Each day becomes a testament to courage, the courage to hope, to seek treatment, to advocate for understanding, and to connect with others who face similar challenges.

To anyone who shares this burden like me, know that you are not alone. Your pain is valid, your struggle is real, and your strength is remarkable. Together, we can break the silence surrounding cluster headaches, raising awareness and fostering understanding. Through shared stories, we find solace, and in solidarity, we discover the power to endure.  

May this day remind us all that even in our darkest moments, we are never truly alone. Let us hold onto hope, lean on one another, and continue to fight for a future where understanding and relief are within reach for everyone who suffers.


OUCH (UK) Trustee

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