OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


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New study seeking research participants for phone interview!

Study: A Qualitative Exploration of the Experiences of People Living with Cluster Headache.

The study will be looking at first-hand experiences of people living with chronic or episodic cluster headache in the UK. It aims to get a better understanding of the views of those living with the condition to find out how care and support could be improved in the future.

The study will involve:

  • One telephone interview of approximately one hour, where you will be able to share your personal experience of living with cluster headache

Criteria for volunteers:

  •     Living with either chronic or episodic cluster headache
  •     Aged between 18 and 65 years old

Laura Andre, a researcher at the University of Edinburgh, will be conducting the study as part of a Master in Public Health dissertation.

If you are interested to find out more please see the documents below.

You may also email: clusterheadachestudy@outlook.com, and you will be sent further information about the research and what participation would involve. In your email, please indicate that you are responding to the recruitment notice on OUCH UK’s website.



PDF icon Consent Form148.32 KB
PDF icon Patient Information Sheet110.86 KB

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