OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


Advice Line

0800 6696 824

Play our lottery for a chance to win up to £25,000!

Here's a new way to support your charity - we've joined a lottery!

  • Tickets only cost £1 per week
  • 50% of all tickets sold from our page go to us
  • Support us and you could win prizes of up to £25,000!

Buy tickets through the OUCH (UK) page to help our cause.

Play for a chance to win cash prizes and OUCH (UK) receives 50% of every ticket sold from our page!

Being part of One Lottery means that with your support we can generate regular sustainable funding. Buying a ticket through One Lottery is one way you can help us to continue to grow and provide our services. So whether you buy 1 ticket or 10 tickets, thank you!

Good luck!

Buy your tickets now!

Supporters must be 16 years of age or over.

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© OUCH(uk) 2024 | email: info@ouchuk.org
Registered Charity No. 1091919 | Registered in England Company No. 04339368