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Vitamin D3 regimen on clusterheadaches.com

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#1 Sun, 19/03/2017 - 13:17
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Joined: 19/03/2017 - 12:56

Vitamin D3 regimen on clusterheadaches.com

Hi all

I know there are comments on here with regards the D3 regimen and the fact that comments in a positive sense are only received by those for whom it works.  If you would indulge me I would like to urge you to try the new adjusted regimen.  I have been persisting with the regimen for the last 5 years, it had reduced my pain and the frequency but I still had many attacks, some of which were quite frankly absolutely horrendous.  Therefore I questioned the regimen and debated not sticking with it, my 25 OH(D3) serum level seemed to be sky high (250-300Nmol/L) and I still had the pain.  However the regimen has been adjusted to include a couple of extra supplements.  The details are in the link below, I should now be sucking out the inside if an oxygen tank, just like many of you will be now.  I have all the feelings of when I am in a cluster, but at the moment (we know the beast evolves) none of the pain at all.

This stuff has changed my life, from contemplating having to medically retire from my job in education, to now actually running an institution, I have bags of energy, very rarely get ill and my head (at the moment) does not hurt.

A piecemeal approach to the regimen does not work, you need to follow it all.

If you have already tried and it does not work for you look at the latest evolution, the nytol (diphenahydramineHCL) 12.5 mg x 2 times per day, that was the game changer for me.

I wish everyone well, this is an awful condition, we all know that.




Sun, 19/03/2017 - 17:42
Last seen: 2 days 9 hours ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:16

While the above treatment is not an illegal alternative treatment, please be advised that it is yet to be approved and licensed for treatment of headache conditions.  As such OUCH does not approve, or suggest use of the regime in the trea tment of CH.  Nothing is yet known of the long term side effects, but it is known that sufferers with certain other health conditions sh ould not undertake this regime.     What works for one, doesn't necessarily work for others, as is demonstrated by the existing licensed and approved treatments used by members. 

Please be careful.


Wed, 09/08/2017 - 12:14
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 26/04/2017 - 16:26

I was prescribed enormous doses of vitamin D and Folic acid as my samples were almost zero.

Unfortunately I tried lots of types (good pharmacist) but reacted very badly to all of them..... I now use Folate from lemon peel (from america) but it's not cheap and D from mushrooms (holand and barrett) but its very expensive and they've just discontinued it.



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