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Tracking attacks with fitness watch

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#1 Wed, 15/05/2024 - 15:20
Last seen: 9 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 15/05/2024 - 10:26

Tracking attacks with fitness watch

Hello, I've been suffering from CH for about 6 years now and really struggled with keeping track of my attacks in a diary. The last thing I felt like doing after one was making detailed notes on it, and by the time I got round to it I'd have forgotten the details.

Just over a year ago I got one of these clever fitness watches, and realised that I could use that to keep a record with minimal effort while an attack was ongoing.

Garmin (and I assume other brands) lets you set up a 'custom workout' (details here). I have my headache one which starts a timer, vibrates at 45 minutes (halfway through a typical attack for me), and keeps track of how far I've walked (my typical strategy).

The benefit I've found is that it is always very accessible, and doesn't require any thinking to begin. As soon as an attack starts I just press a button on my watch, then again when it ends, and all the logging is handled for me.  Since i use it to track my excercise and sleep anyway, it is easy to compare to those for potential triggers.

All of the details (date, time, duration, heart rate, temperature, etc.) are automatically saved to their app, and can be viewed or exported to a spreadsheet later. There is also space for notes to add severity.

I've recently exported one years worth of data, which is much more complete than it would have been if i'd tried to manually keep track.

I hope this information is useful for someone!

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