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Survey on implantable neurostimulation devices

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#1 Wed, 17/11/2021 - 15:05
Anne Trustee
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 15:00

Survey on implantable neurostimulation devices

A working group at LIverpool University is looking for people to take part in this survey. They are particularly interested in the views of people who: 

  • have a condition that can be treated using an implantable neurostimulation device;
  • have experience of using an implantable neurostimulation device;
  • care for somebody who has a condition that can be treated using an implantable neurostimulation device or who is actively using an implantable neurostimulation device;
  • have expertise in implantable neurostimulation devices;
  • have expertise and are interested in trials reporting and methodology (e.g., journal editors, statisticians, methodologists);are interested in the reporting of clinical trials of implantable neurostimulation devices (e.g., journal editors, representatives from pain and neurostimulation societies, companies who develop implantable neurostimulation devices).

You can access the survey at this link:   https://delphimanager.liv.ac.uk/ineurostim/Delphi

If you have any questions, please contact:

Rui Duarte  Email rduarte@liverpool.ac.uk     Telephone +44 (0)151 794 5726

Rebecca Bresnahan  Email rebecca.bresnahan@liverpool.ac.uk     Telephone +44(0) 151 529 5949

The SPIRIT-iNeurostim and CONSORT-iNeurostim Working Group

The survey closes on Tuesday 30th November 2021

Anne (Trustee)

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