OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


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Supporters Survival Tips Part 1

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#1 Thu, 27/02/2014 - 18:46
Scott's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 13/11/2013 - 11:33

Supporters Survival Tips Part 1

Re-post from our Old Board.

This was written by our friend, Margi, in Canada. A long time Supporter.

OK, by now, you know there is very little you can do to stop the pain of cluster headaches for your loved one. That, in itself, is a very difficult thing to come to grips with. No one likes to be defeated and we all go through the ‘Super-Person’ complex trying to wage war against these things. But, sometimes we have to face reality and make adjustments in our lives to compensate for our own inability to fix this.

First of all, know this: whether you think you are helping or not, your loved one notices that you are trying and that means the world to them. So many cluster headache sufferers go through this alone and misunderstood, that knowing that just one person understands really DOES help them.

Most important: TALK to your loved one when they are not having a headache and make an attack plan.

DO NOT ASK THEM QUESTIONS WHEN THEY ARE GETTING ATTACKED!!! (That’s a real quick way to get insulted, if you ask me!!)

ASK them what they want you to be doing when they next get attacked. Here are some suggestions of what to ask:

·         Do they want you to sit with them?

·         Does she want you to bring her a glass of ice water or an ice bag?

·         Would he like you to rub his shoulders, just to try to help him to stay calm?

·         Does he prefer to be alone when he’s getting attacked? (Don’t be insulted if this answer           is yes.)

·         Do you need to keep the house quiet, dimly lit, fresh air flowing?

·         Would she be more comfortable in a room with a lower air temperature?

·         Will they become angry with you if you refuse to give them MORE pills because                         you know they’ve already exceeded the dosage? What should you do, when they ask              you this?

·         Will they approve of you taking them to the hospital if you feel it’s the only way to help?             (Don’t be surprised if the answer to this one is no.  Sometimes, by the time someone                 can be seen in an A&E, the attack will be gone and most cluster sufferers don’t like to                 be seen in public when they are getting hit.) 



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