OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


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Sufferers being new parents

1 post / 0 new
#1 Fri, 06/11/2020 - 15:31
Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 06/11/2020 - 14:15

Sufferers being new parents

Hi all, just looking for some help/advice.

I have episodic ch and consider myself very lucky that I only get them every 18 months for 4-6 weeks. This is my 4th bout that I am in the middle of just now. This time I have had more support with medication (injections, optical nerve block and o2) and as always my wife has been my rock. Still totally horrible time just now but coping alot better this time, especially mentally. I have the fear/terror/helplessness a little more under control this time. Big thanks to Val for the phone call last year when I was struggling.

The main thing im worried about now is my next bout. My wife and i are expecting a baby in march. Absoulutely overjoyed. My next bout is due when baby will be about a year old. Our plan was for me to work part time and take care of the baby when my wife goes back to work. Now that im in middle of a bout and rememer how useless i am during an attack i am terrified of what will happen if im in care of a child with how quickly i am out of commission. I dont think there would be enough warning to get my wife/family/friends home in time to take over with the child.

I have struggled to find anything on how sufferers deal with attacks while being parents and if its possible. Having a plan and being prepared (mentally and medically)this time has helped me alot and it will be even more important next time. Any tips, advice, game plans would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

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