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steroids for clusters and asthma

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#1 Fri, 25/04/2014 - 13:13
Last seen: 8 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:54

steroids for clusters and asthma

read before about people having short run of steroids to give a break from clusters.

Well I am on a 5 day course of pednisolne 6x5mg a day as i am having a bad asthma patch, thought as a side line would help re clusters but no not at all.

was wondering if it was the wrong steroids or too low a dose.

these tabets helped in the past with my asthma, but not doing much this time round.

[for those that also have asthma are you aware of a very good asthma Helpline service which is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

The number to call is 0800 121 62 44.]

Fri, 25/04/2014 - 17:04
Colin Allen Vic...
Last seen: 3 weeks 18 hours ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:19

The usual dosage for a CH sufferer is 50 mgs,minimum.

Colin Allen

Vice Chairman

Fri, 25/04/2014 - 17:32
Last seen: 8 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:54

colin thanks that explains it.

Fri, 25/04/2014 - 20:27
Last seen: 3 days 14 hours ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:16

Umm actually Mr Allen, its 60 mgs start dose for five days, then reduce by 10mgs and continue reducing by 10 mgs every three days thereafter, takes about three weeks in all.


:) Val

Fri, 25/04/2014 - 21:48
Last seen: 8 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:54

my dose was nowhere near that.

Sat, 26/04/2014 - 10:06
Last seen: 3 days 14 hours ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:16


The smaller dose for you may be because you have other health conditions/ medications where the higher dose would not be suitable.  Speak to your doctor/pharmacist.


Val. :)

Sat, 26/04/2014 - 11:02
Last seen: 8 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:54

val..... today is the last day on them, only asthma started to settle yesterday, just curious about clusters and steroids. Not been too well on them. been very hungry, more restless than normal, harder to sleep and a heavyness in my head. So unlikly to go for a higher dose unless urgently needed.

Sat, 26/04/2014 - 22:51
sandramac's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:26

David steroids (for asthma) can keep me awake all night too! i hate having to be on them




Sun, 27/04/2014 - 07:10
Last seen: 8 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:54

snadra it was only the second time on them, first about 4-5 years ago when first got asthma, then last week.

Hope dont need them again, thought moving to away from a very polluted area to country would have helped.

Sun, 27/04/2014 - 09:18 (Reply to #9)
Colin Allen Vic...
Last seen: 3 weeks 18 hours ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:19

That's why I said 50mgs minimum,wench. Most GPs are reluctant to give women as high a dosage as men. Something to do with BMI,methinks.

Colin Allen

Vice Chairman

Sun, 27/04/2014 - 10:33
Mike's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 12:43

Please remember you mustn't just stop steroids, they must be tapered.

Chairman OUCH UK

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