spring time
spring time
hi all you ouchers, spring is here and so is cluster, there alot of us, episodik, and cronick, that have our worst bouts at this time, oddly ive just sort of comeing out of a long one so im feeling better and here and willilng to cheer up, advise, and just be here if any ones down, ive also now got some experience with benifits, tribunals, cats, dogs, kids that dont bite, and rusty motorbikes, cant cook tho, spellings not my strong point eather, but i mean well, and yes im deepthort hamilton on faceache, liveing with cluster is so hard but not impossable, both good and bad times are fleeting so we must savor and make the most of the good days and endure the bad, o i for got to say i dont know much about meds so cant realy help with that one, but there are others that can, all the best d
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Odd isnt it. Having had a short period of remission, that allowed me to enjoy Christmas and New Year, I am now in a bout that started in exactly the same week as it has done for the last 3 years. If it goes as previously, this means I will be in the company of the Demon Woodpecker until the beginning of May! How depressing
hi miss k, glad to hear from you, sorry its that woodpecker time, im sure your farter jack impression will help, thay do say its timeing is uncanny, me and pete are kinda in syink (i know thats not how you spell it but i dont have a clue an im only using one eye!) ch got the other one for now, we get 1.30 ish 6ish late morningish afternoonish tea time not so bad, nothing funnyer than me and pete (i have another go at this) syinkronised formation cluster attack, harriet had to laff wer both like a pair of gurning pirates, lots of aaarrrgg,, mad as for a while funny tho, since last we chat, ive found lots of nice chers on faceache, im hopeing some are on here and say hi, its good to know theres as much good support here on the fourm as there is on faceache , so if that woodpecker gets to much we here to cheer you up, probly one of my daft emails or sumfing that the ouch staff cant post but funny, to be fair there not for kids, gps,dwps,santas,poodles ect,,,, mays ages away have you got any thing meds wise that may help when it gets bad? you could always do the wind tunnel thing again now thats f hi flow o2!! all the best d
So sorry haven't been able to get through to post on the forum since Thursday evening but back this afternoon
thank you to all who sent their kind and caring words very much appreciated
i would have posted months ago but you will all understand l went through every grieving stage possible
George and I were to celebrate our diamond wedding in the January,so many happy memories.
love Elma X
It's lovely being in touch with you again Elma.
After so many years you must have so many happy memories, and stories!
Please stay in touch.
Lots of love
Sean & Jane xx
Warning: This forum may contain nuts
Thanks Sean
that was so nice of you,
i do have a lot of happy memories, 2 sons 4 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren they all keep me going.
Elma x
hi elma and sean& jane, its so good to her from the ch vetrens, you words like your years of knolwage and experance counts for so much in the way of support and under standing that needs to be respected and heard, when a neewbe hears there own story coming out of another suffers mouth, the feeling of not being alone was for me over whelming, after 7years of missinformation from my gp, my grattitude to andy help line, who asked ritchard a cher now a frend to call in and espesaly harriet that has turned my life around (but wont take credit) all this is because ouch is here,
there are so meny good posative ch storys out there that can inspire and encourage chers to get there lives back, i would love to hear then how ever long or short thay all count,
hi miss k, hows you doing hope well and good? all the best to all d
It's great to hear from someone so positive Darren, we should call you Mr Motivator!
Miss Kitty - I've heard it called many things in my time.....but Demon Woodpecker is a new one on me
Love it
and very appropriate. We have woodpeckers in our garden and they try to break into our blue tit nesting box to kill the baby blue tits.
You should have seen me and Jane last year, we were like anxious grandparents on permanent watch. She would send me out in all weathers to effect some running repairs to the box to keep the demon woodpecker out. Much duck tape was used! We eventually won and there was a happy outcome, and no casualties.
This year we are ready for them. No hours on watch this year, the nesting box is a fortress and the critical section around the entrance hole is steel enforced. If they try pecking their way in this year they will end up with a bent beak!!
Take that Demon Woodpecker
Warning: This forum may contain nuts
Hello Darren,
nice of you to post hope you are well
yes this is a good place to be lot of caring people on it and that's what you need when you are down with pain only people really who understands what you are going through, like you Darren I was misdiagnosed for many years ouch was a blessing to me over the many years, felt like family,
take care and hope you are P/F at the moment.
Glad you like it. Peck, peck, peck, peck, peck right in the corner of my eye and al over my head. Horrible little beast!
I have all sorts of wild birds nesting at the moment, under the baleful gaze of the neighbours cat who lurks on the shed roof waiting for the bufftet to open!
So every 10 minutes I dash outside shouting and waving to scare them away. Keeps me fit and the moggy hates me.!!
hi, im always glad to lift spirits, useuly in a funny ch way, ive come to terms with my cch now i have all the info mation its a condition for life with no cure yet, its the most pain full experance, once i under stood my cycles and bouts, (or the 20ish painfree days a year) triggers (theres not enuff swere words for finding out sleep is a trigger!) alchol,( im still disputeing that with my cluster at least once a month just in case im out of bout) so the positive of that is it cant get any more painfull so any change will be a result,,the sad thing is no one can see it,
the best advise i give is to do this for your selfs, accept the days when you cant funtion or plans wrecked by ch, make the most of the days that we can be our selfs again and live laff and love every moment, were still us inside behind the pain the exhustion and confuzion, some times we for get,,,
i dont have enuff praise for the partners and supporters, espachaly the children supporting a perant thro ch your all amaizing your saving a life every smile, support is here for you as well, sleepless nights, dreading attacks coming, prepairing, changing your life, stress, felling useless helpless watching some one you love go through so much pain every nite and you cant do anything to help, commen words from supporters, you count as well, and you being there counts for so much, a good supporter is better than meds to me, you will never run out ,wrer off, and hold a hand when its over and the pain is gone you will still be there,
miss k is terry settleing ok, id love to see an up to dat pic with lucy an mole, defunutly lookin for ward to calling in and catching up again, fish an chips mushy peas on me, paul is only 20miles away from you, i feel another road trip, hi tony tiger yes i still want to do the 12 days of cluster funny so expect a visit,
so meny cluster heads, reach out see whos near and meet up share a story make a frend, simple words easly sead just a hint from a cluster head,, d
Hi Darren,
Looking forward to seeing you again now that the weather is improving. Lucy and Mole are fine. Terry hasnt arrived yet - he had a chest problem and has had to be neutered but all being well he will be with us next week. Cant wait to have a big squishy again like Leo- the girls are lovely but very wriggly. I'll post some snaps soon,but if you are curious, Terry can be seen on the Notts Nibblers website.
(For the uninitiated reader, Lucy Mole and Terry are my rats. I love rats!).
Just looked Terry up on notes nibbles. He is lovely.
And enjoying the garden bird stories....we have a good sized garden and our neighbour has a huge garden with a small orchard gone wild, so loads of birds which we really do love.
hi miss k, i was hoping to have a nuts off befor he sleeps with his girls conversation, see how long be fore some one sez WHAT!!! ,
i hope he better soon, i think im on the road early may will let you know when, be good to catch up, it bin ages,, do you still have your crash hat and jacket? yes ive got bike hi flow o2 in mind,
could you post that diferent view you had im sure others would love to see it, and how much stress youve lost now since those first posts, i sed life would get better now your in charge of your life, just dont be a hard boss to your self,, all the best d