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New research 890: Methadone and CH

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#1 Fri, 19/12/2014 - 12:18
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New research 890: Methadone and CH

Therapie. 2014 Dec 10. [Epub ahead of print]

Role of Methadone in Induction and/or Exacerbation of Cluster Headache in Patients Treated for Opioid Addiction.

Diot C1, Eiden C1, Leglise Y2, Donnadieu-Rigole H3, Peyrière H1.

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Methadone is a potent opioid agonist widely used in opioid maintenance therapy. In some countries, methadone is available for pain treatment. We report the cases of two patients with history of substance abuse (mainly heroin), who presented with cluster headache possibly related to high-dose methadone. One possible explanation for the severe pain described in these cases is hyperalgesia induced by high doses of methadone.


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