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New research 874: Clinical errors in CH (again)

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#1 Wed, 24/09/2014 - 14:36
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New research 874: Clinical errors in CH (again)

Eur Neurol. 2014 Sep 13;72(3-4):209-212. [Epub ahead of print]

Errors in Recognition and Management are Still Frequent in Patients with Cluster Headache.

Sánchez Del Rio M1, Leira R, Pozo-Rosich P, Laínez JM, Alvarez R, Pascual J.

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Objectives: To analyze the trajectory to diagnosis and information provided in a series of cluster headache (CH) patients from five headache clinics. Methods: CH patients were asked to fill in an ad hoc questionnaire. Results: Seventy-five patients (mean age 41.5 years, 67 males) completed the questionnaire. Patients had visited during an average of 4.9 years a mean of 4.6 physicians who had obtained 2.5 neuroimaging procedures per patient before getting a diagnosis of CH. Sixty-three (84%) had received no diagnosis (21 cases; 28%), while 43 (57%) had been given an average of 2.1 alternative diagnoses. Migraine, trigeminal neuralgia and sinusitis were the most frequent mistakes. After diagnosis, 55% had subjectively received poor/very poor information on CH. Ninety-five percent had poor or incorrect information about the nature of the disease, or acute (70%) and preventive (61%) treatments. Etiology (90%), management options (36%) and potential adverse events of medications (29%) were their main information demands. Conclusions: Although CH is an invalidating and clinically clear-cut disorder suffered by around 1/1,000 people, it is still frequently unrecognized and/or mistaken for other disorders, which calls for a better knowledge and education in the diagnosis of the main primary headaches.


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