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Demand Valve request rejected by Dolby Vivisol

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#1 Wed, 17/07/2019 - 18:22
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 24/03/2018 - 21:13

Demand Valve request rejected by Dolby Vivisol

The new HOOF was sent over to Dolby Vivisol yesterday, requesting a demand valve and they have come back today saying I do not meet their criteria. Aparently, I have had 8 static cylinders in the last 6 months and you must have had at least 10. My usage of oxygen dropped about 6 months ago, when I started using imigran nasal sprays, previous to that I was ordering at least 1 cylinder a week.

Is this a general thing or just dolby vivisol being stubborn? I see my only option as to just use oxygen for the next few weeks and not imigran, so I'll then meet their criteria, then ask for the HOOF to be submitted again.

I got quite excited yesterday at the prospect of finally getting a demand valve, now feeling extremely deflated.

Wed, 31/07/2019 - 08:25
Dorothy Trustee
Dorothy Trustee's picture
Last seen: 17 hours 15 min ago
Joined: 19/02/2014 - 10:16

Hi Andrew

Give our helpline a ring and see if they can advise you. I think it's just recently that Dolby have given out demand valves so not sure how it works in your area but that criteria doesn't sound right. I hope you get it sorted as the demand valve is so helpful.

Best of luck


Dorothy (Trustee)

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