Chronic cluster headache sufferer of 8yrs Esa failed assesment
Chronic cluster headache sufferer of 8yrs Esa failed assesment
Hi. Ive been a chronic cluster headache sufferer for around 10yrs. I was only diagnosed by a neurologist in 2012. Living by myself and unable to hold down employment due to my condition, i have claimed esa since 2013(won by tribunal appeal), and pip since 2015(also won by tribunal appeal). Following a recent esa assesment i have had by esa stopped after being awarded 0points. Im currently awaiting for the desicion to be looked at again before i take it to tribunal AGAIN. Im now left with only my pip money to feed, cloth, and pay my energy bills with, and a quarter of my pip money goes towards my bedroom tax. I have hardly nothing to live on, and im being told the only other benefit in my area is Jsa, in which i have to declare im fit and actively seeking employment, that im clearly not! I have spoke to the dwp who said that is my only option if i want money to live on while awaiting this MESS to be sorted out. Has the whole world gone mad? Im being told by a government agency to lie on an official declaration in order to survive! Any advice from anyone that has been in this situation would be highly appreciated. After suffering chronically for 10yrs with no remission or break, im mentally drained and empty, this is pushing me to breaking point and i cannot cope. Any advice appreciated, thanks!
Brad P
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Hi Brad
The Brain Charity in Liverpool can help you deal with this. Anyone can contact them but OUCH(UK) members are prioritised. If you wish to contact them via OUCH(UK) you can email
OUCH (UK) Trustee
Thanks Dorothy, i will get onto them straight away. Your suggestion is much appreciated!
Thanks Brad
Brad P