OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


Advice Line

0800 6696 824

Christmas Advice Line Opening

1 post / 0 new
#1 Thu, 21/12/2023 - 16:02
Last seen: 1 week 2 days ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:26

Christmas Advice Line Opening

The Advice Line will continue to operate  except for:

Christmas Day - messages will be monitored and returned calls after Christmas.

Boxing Day - messages will be monitored and calls returned after Christmas

New Years Day - messages will be monitored and calls returned after New Year's Day.

The Trustees would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry and pain free as possible Christmas and a Happy New year!


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© OUCH(uk) 2024 | email: info@ouchuk.org
Registered Charity No. 1091919 | Registered in England Company No. 04339368