OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


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CGRP study at Kings College Hospital

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#1 Tue, 16/05/2017 - 09:52
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:16

CGRP study at Kings College Hospital

Hi all

Dr Jack Holland who is conducting a trial at Kings into the use of CGRP's  in cluster headache is urgently seeking volunteers for this study:  details and criteria are below.  Dr Holland will be giving a short presentation on his research at the London meeting and will be available to sign up volunteers through out the day.


If you've ever said you wanted to do something to help sufferers and you are a sufferer yourself, well here is your opportunity!


Trials of new treatments for Episodic and Chronic Cluster Headache sufferers


Professor Goadsby at King's College Hospital, London is seeking volunteers for a series of important studies testing several new CGRP [calcitonin gene related peptides] treatments for episodic and chronic cluster headache sufferers. The criteria for participants for the CGRP TRIALs have been amended:

  • The participant needs to be an episodic or chronic sufferer of cluster headache

  • Aged 18-65

  • Willing and able to attend trial appointments in London approximately once a month

  • If you are not currently in cycle, but would be willing to take part, please apply giving an approximate date for your next cycle commencement.

Please contact jack.holland@kcl.ac.uk if you wish to receive more information and potentially apply, giving your contact details, telephone number and date of birth.


Thank you.


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