Art Attack
Wed, 13/04/2016 - 11:27
Art Attack
Under darkening skies, Clusterwoman and the Demon Woodpecker join forces with the Shadow and the Beast to wage war on our Dark Overlord the Department of Worry and Penury...
I always wanted to be a Manga Babe.I'm no Banksy, but during my transformation I seem to have lost my glasses, 20 years and about 3 stone!
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I LOVE it! Did you draw it yourself?
Excellent how good and apt is that
I did! I got fed up with my adult colouring book and just started to doodle....
Art critic, Will Gompertz, says that it is a "Dystopian representation of post-modern life, drawn in the Naive style and worthy of exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery".
Or maybe I just dreamt that!
Miss Kitty, I think it's great! I can't even draw a straight line.
It's brilliant, I keep looking at it and thinking about the symbolism......I like the Dark Overlord bit (tee hee) and I love it that you are represented as someone who is going to triumph over all challenges!
If that's a doodle I would love to see a drawing. I don't have an artistic bone in my body!
I'm with Andrya!
That's brilliant! Hope to see more of your drawings on here.
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