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Any Advice or Tips Ref Oxygen tanks & info on pillows

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#1 Wed, 17/09/2014 - 22:59
Amethyst73's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 01/07/2014 - 12:43

Any Advice or Tips Ref Oxygen tanks & info on pillows

Ok hate this written it down but touched Facebook so lost all of post so last try & in advance SORRY really very sorry for long post.Also fact it diverts I know should of stuck to topic but it all just poured out so again sorry for long & diverted bits of post.

I have arthritis but also at the moment I have problems with right shoulder & muscular fascitus in my right hand also affects my wrist,so have spent last 7 weeks with most days not being able to use my oxygen & to make life harder the new chemist got my sumatrapam injection in the refills not pens which means when its at its worst I can't even hold a pen or push it to inject the sumatrapam got given tabelts but not much good .So was unable to use them as cant hold or twist the pen to load it am left handed so use right hand to inject or turn on oxygen,as my left hand has arthritis also some deformity so its not much help.So spoke to oxygen company they brought over this grey thing that went over the flow part but as took up room my hand or fingers couldn't access it to turn the flow as idea was to leave the oxygen on & just turn flow but was no way I could get my hand in to turn it,so the delivery lady did it the other way set flow & left it for me to just turn oxygen on & off this worked fab till the muscular fascitus happened (asked when will ease or go told no idea just use freeze spray anti Inflam gel & do physio) at its worst it means I can't pick anything up which means no dinner as cant prep food & drinks if lucky my district nurse puts a carton by my bed.as am left handed but its not much help as has arthritis & some deformity also have a problem with right shoulder might be frozen or other waiting on ref to shoulder surgeon as I fall a few times a week,have a fall monitor so if do the sparked out a warden comes to help me up,so thought would ask if when its bad they could come & turn on the oxygen but was told this was considered "a medical procedure" & they are not allowed to do those.But as i dont have any friends close & family dont care hard to cope with no support as my dad kind of gets it but still thinks just bad migraine,my brother said"Jesus sis already have to put up with your bleep arthritis no don't want to read bleep info as its just you having a migraine every one gets those but they don't act like they are about to die should get a Oscar" & sadly my best friends now moved two are in Australia other 4 up north.So these past few weeks have been so bad the head butting of wall did happen twice district nurse got upset,so I created a pillow wall so even if I do thrash about wont hurt myself,as I can't walk or pace up & down but am lucky in the sense that my Occupantional Therapist got me an electric mattress riser as have trouble sitting up in the morning,so this can raise the mattress up to nearly a 45 degree so its great with some V pillows as can adjust to how you need it.I know to buy they are about £800 but as OT said if I had gone to her & requested this for my ch not arthritis then with an assesment it can be provided for free as I can't do all the pillow arrangements so this is fab but I know most people will laugh but my only comfort are my cats who at first would run at sound of the oxygen also my first kind of pain I get before a ch is very bad pain behind my eye,now sometimes before me my kitty's will jump up on my bed they have learnt not to be spooked by oxygen.Or mum screaming & thrashing about they just move then once the worst is over they curl up as close as they can as its proved stroking a cat can help lower blood pressure etc so they help calm me down.I know most  will be saying a lot of this could go in other topics & should stick to asking if anyone has any advice or if anyone knows of a gadget that can help me turn on the oxygen which if you do be amazing as coping with out is almost like back to not knowing what is wrong & not having right meds,but have been so low it just seems to of poured out into a mixed post & for that I am so so very sorry but half of me wants to just keep it to basics other half just needed to let it out instead of what have been doing which is bottling it all up.So again sorry for mixed & I know too long for a post but it feels great to write it down got tears in my eyes but think its the isolation & no support & this problem all coming out. 

Thu, 18/09/2014 - 11:40
Last seen: 5 days 23 hours ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 17:02

Amethist. You don't have to apologise, it's your post, say what you want.
We just try to keep replies on track, so that the original theme isn't ignored.

Does your doctor put 'Imigran refills' on the prescription?
'Sun pharmaceuticals pre-filled sumatriptan subcutaneous injection pens'
is a bit of a mouthful, but that's what you want.

I have SO lost long replies when other apps open by accident,
it's as if they wait for that moment.

Mocha and Latte? Must get some pics on the pets thread.

I thought to say to leave the oxygen flow set on high
and turning it off and on by the valve just as I read that bit,
-didn't Val's handle extension thing work?

Medical procedure? Turning in a valve?
Ironic that you need a big knob and the warden is one.

Thu, 18/09/2014 - 12:52 (Reply to #2)
Colin Allen Vic...
Last seen: 3 weeks 23 hours ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:19


Colin Allen

Vice Chairman

Fri, 19/09/2014 - 22:26
Amethyst73's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 01/07/2014 - 12:43

Not had a handle (Val help?) yes my normal prescription is the pre filled sumatrapam injection pens,but when they are not available they get me the re fils & those are the ones I struggle with lucky am ok with them.Mocha Choca Latte or Mocha to his friends & Minnie would love to put a photo up but don't know how,but also need to post a pic of ouch's & Colin's friend Twiglet the hedgehog.

Sat, 20/09/2014 - 09:32
Last seen: 3 days 18 hours ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:16

Hello Marie-Claire

You hadn't said that you wanted the handle, so that's why it wasn't sent!

I'll send the handle and a kit to put the sumatriptan refills in.  There should be an instruction leaflet in the refills box showing you how to use the kit.  If you haven't got that let me know.


Sat, 20/09/2014 - 12:06
Last seen: 3 days 18 hours ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:16

Hello again Marie-Claire

I backtracked my diary and found that I got the handle from my oxygen supplier.  So when you order your next cylinder, tell them you have great difficulty turning the cylinder on and the should supply you with one of the handles that I have.  Its a 'T' Shape and at the bottom of the upright is a circula piece of tough plastic.  On the underside are dozens of spring loaded 'prongs' that fit round whathever you are trying to turn, but all you have to turn is the T piece at the top.  I can';t get to a PO until Monday [ I live out in the wilds of Pembrokeshire], and it might be quicker for you to ask your 02 supplier. 



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