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New research 861: Alcohol, SPG and CH!

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#1 Tue, 06/05/2014 - 13:52
PeterM's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:17

New research 861: Alcohol, SPG and CH!

One would expect some debate on this subject?

Neuroradiology. 2014 Apr 26. [Epub ahead of print]

Alcohol percutaneous neurolysis of the sphenopalatine ganglion in the management of refractory cranio-facial pain.

Kastler A1, Cadel G, Comte A, Gory G, Piccand V, Tavernier L, Kastler B.

Author information 1Neuroradiology Department, Grenoble University Hospital, Grenoble, France


INTRODUCTION: The sphenopalatine ganglion (SPN) has been proven to be involved in various types of facial pain syndromes. Management of these cranio-facial pain syndromes can be challenging, and existing specific treatments are sometimes inefficient and may fail. The purpose of this study is to describe and evaluate alcohol SPN in the management of cranio-facial pain.


METHODS: Forty-two patients suffering from refractory facial pain who underwent 58 consecutive SPN were included in this study between 2000 and 2013. Patients were divided into three groups: group "cluster headache" (CH), group "persistent idiopathic facial pain" (PFIP), and group "Other". Pain was assessed using Visual Analogue Scale scores (measured immediately before and after procedure and at regular intervals following the procedure). Alcohol SPN was considered to be effective when pain relief was equal to or greater than 50 % and lasting for at least 1 month. All procedures were realized ambulatory under CT guidance and consisted of an injection of 1 ml of absolute alcohol.


RESULTS: Overall efficacy rate of alcohol SPN was 67.2 %, with mean pain relief duration of 10.3 months. Procedure was graded either not painful or tolerable by patients in 64.2 %. Analysis showed a higher efficacy rate in the groups CH (76.5 Wacko and PFIP (85.7 Wacko compared to the group Other (40 %). No difference was found between groups regarding the recurrence rate.


CONCLUSION: Alcohol SPN under CT guidance appears as a safe and effective treatment of refractory facial pain, especially in cases of cluster headache and persistent idiopathic facial pain.


Tue, 06/05/2014 - 20:04
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:16

Whaaaaat!  I don't believe it!  I can't even have bloody sherry trifle and they're saying I could use alcohol to get rid of a CH attack, love to know what the Prof thinks!


Val. xx

Wed, 07/05/2014 - 07:30 (Reply to #2)
Mike's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 12:43

Incredible! Do they really know what they are talking about.

Chairman OUCH UK

Wed, 07/05/2014 - 08:44 (Reply to #3)
Dorothy Trustee
Dorothy Trustee's picture
Last seen: 14 hours 16 min ago
Joined: 19/02/2014 - 10:16

Wow - that's amazing!  Does this mean I should just inhale my wine from now on? 

Dorothy (Trustee)

Wed, 07/05/2014 - 11:21
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 15:16

I don't fancy champagne on an IV drip, it ruins the taste!


Seriously, thank goodness I'm not a CH sufferer in Grenoble!


Val. xx

Thu, 08/05/2014 - 07:14 (Reply to #5)
Mike's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 21/03/2012 - 12:43

Got this from the specialist that knows:

Well it is a small local injection- but I agree destructive is just not sensible



Chairman OUCH UK

Fri, 09/05/2014 - 15:02
Scott's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 week ago
Joined: 13/11/2013 - 11:33

right wheres my 59% proof Talisker and a needle! Im going in :O


Any thing in the presuit of science and why they didn't use Scotland as a trial I don't know!!!



Fri, 09/05/2014 - 15:34
Mr Git
Mr Git's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:34

Probably because once you go past a certain level you become immune to things.

Just look at me and er' indoors.  She gives me earache all day, now I'm just immune to it all ;)

Warning: This forum may contain nuts

Sat, 10/05/2014 - 09:49
Last seen: 4 weeks 9 hours ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 17:02

Probably why the French study had good results.
They have vineyards like we have garden sheds.

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