OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


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#1 Thu, 20/11/2014 - 16:33
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/10/2014 - 20:34


sometimes i am at a loss because i hear about the patterns of clusters that affect people at different times of the year, I have not had a break now for 2 years and have between 2 and 8 attacks a day, I have 2 injections a day and oxygen, but have got to the point when one day off would be so good, does anyone else have these attacks every day I understand now why they call them suicide headaches because some days I dont even want to get out of bed, yet still today I receive no benefits as they say that I sometimes only have two attacks and can prepare meals in advance and lift my arm above my head, whoever decides these benefits needs to come stay with me for a few days 


Thu, 20/11/2014 - 18:46
Last seen: 2 days 8 hours ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:26

Hi Jane,

Sorry to hear you are suffering so, you might find it helpful to call our Helpline 01646 651979 for some great advice including a possible way of giving you a day or two's break from the incessant onslaught! Make that call you will not regret it, just leave a message and someone will get back to you.

take care


Sat, 22/11/2014 - 14:39
Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
Joined: 26/02/2014 - 14:26

Hi Jane 

Welcome and sorry you have to be here. I too am Chronic have not had a day since  off since  6th Sept 2006, with between 3 and 10 attacks a day.  Please call the helpline it will be the most valuable call regarding CH you will ever make.

Hugs and pf wishes

Tue, 16/12/2014 - 01:52 (Reply to #3)
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/10/2014 - 20:34

Thank you Freddie I have difficulty finding my way around the site and have only just realised how to answer peoples messages, I will ring but its nice to know that your all out there xx

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