OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


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0800 6696 824

gammaCore Users Needed to Help in Research Project

The Yorkshire and Humber Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) would like to invite a small number of cluster headache patients who have personally used a gammaCore device to take part in an NHS England project.  The aim of the project is to help improve patient experience when introducing new innovations into the NHS, what can we learn, and what can we improve upon?  

The main aim of the project is to increase patient benefit by finding out through an interview how/where patient experience and insight can help improve the way future products or services are delivered in the NHS.  Asking for patient insight is very important to this project as we want to collect your real-life experiences and ideas, to make positive changes to the way you choose what is best for your care.  

If you  have had experience with using gammaCore and would like to be involved in this project, could you send an email, with your preferred day/time slot to patient.interview@yhahsn.com  We will conduct the interview via Teams video conferencing, so that the interview can be recorded and transcribed.

Interviews will be held between the 13th – 27th February 2023.  A maximum of seven participants are now needed.

All participants will receive a £25 voucher as a thank you once the interviews have taken place.

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