OUCH(UK) Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache


Advice Line

0800 6696 824


There have recently been posts on both the OUCH Forum and Facebook page suggesting and detailing how to split doses of subcutaneous sumatriptan [Imigran injections].  While some neurologists do explain to their patients how to do this, the fact remains the practice is off-license and remains the responsibility of the neurologist or health professional concerned. 
For clarity, as we are not health professionals and acting on professional advice, OUCH will not advocate, promote or suggest splitting of doses of sumatriptan in any form and in any way.  Posts detailing how to do this will be removed and the poster informed why the post has been removed.  It is not the amount of a dose of sumatriptan taken that poses a risk, it is the number of times a dose is taken as it has an action on the heart; it is not suitable in any case for those with cardiac and circulatory problems.  There is also a contamination risk in the process of splitting doses – the injections are produced in a sterile environment.  And of course it is tampering with a prescribed medication.

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